More than the 85% of the farm is used for the cultivation of trees typical of the area as they adapt perfectly to the environment. Thanks to this adaptation they obtain all the resources they need to live and they can survive to the climate inclemency. Inside the farm, apart from fig trees, there are 2 pastures of young oaks and cork oaks planted in 2005, a consolidated old pasture, an small hill area with oaks totally natural, an olive grove, and 2 small groves of eucalyptus that used to provide wood for the farm. The other 15% are crops of cereal, chickpeas or sunflower.
The estate also has 3 ponds where rainwater is collected. This water is later used to water the fig trees, reserve against fires and for the use of wild animals.
In this natural are, situated 5km away from the closest highway and 10km form the closest town, in addition to the mentioned plant life there is a large variety of animal species typical of the Mediterranean forest like cartridges, wood pigeons, turtle doves, rabbits, hares... even wild boars. During the winter, you can see migratory birds like the cranes that pass during the cold season. The storks, vultures, eagles, etc., own the sky of this area.
Here we have some pictures of the estate in different seasons so you can enjoy this beautiful environment.