In 2007, the Bautista Sánchez family started a path to create what in January 2012 is a new growing company “LaCuba – Higos y derivados”.
In January 2007, around 1.600 fig trees of “Calabacita” and “Cuello de Dama” varieties were planted. The saplings were chosen following the indications of the experts that manage the national fig trees bank located in the farm “La Orden” property of Junta de Extremadura.
For the correct growth of the plantation, methods of the traditional organic farming were applied, being respectful with the environment, to obtain completely innocuous and healthy fruits.
At that point (January 2012) the trees were starting their fruitful life, and we had to choose between selling the whole harvest to wholesalers or start manufacturing the product ourselves. We chose the last option, assembling the necessary infrastructure to achieve this goal.
All the process, from the fruit birth, growth, recollection, preservation, manufacturing and packing, is artisanal, without refusing to new agricultural and technological advances. We control the full process from the birth to the packing.
We are proud of being able to offer you our products and we are grateful for your visit to our website.